Eaglehawk Recycle Shop
Operating since 1994, the Eaglehawk Recycle Shop is a not-for-profit enterprise with the aim of diverting reusable items and recyclable waste from landfill and creating local
jobs for people previously unemployed.
SORT: You have a choice of paying by the tonne to take your unwanted items to the landfill or you can sort your load and drop of your recyclable items at the drop off area of the Eaglehawk Recycle Shop, located on the left before you enter the landfill. There is a long list of items that can be dropped off. Some items have a fee attached, have a look at the drop off page to see what items fees apply to.
REUSE: It makes sense to reuse instead of buying new all the time. You save energy by not reproducing all the time so it’s great for the environment, it’s much cheaper to buy secondhand and you can get a great deal of enjoyment from cleaning up or repairing an item. People reuse items for a wide range of reasons. So what you may think is rubbish, someone else has another use for it and you are not putting it in a costly hole in the ground and adding to the creation greenhouse gases.
RECYCLE: Most items can be recycled but they need to be easily separated from other items. They need to be reasonably clean and there needs to be a market for them to be sold to so the list changes from time to time. See list
SHOP: The Recycle Shop sells cheap secondhand items from antiques to household items to building materials and now with the addition of the ERS Bazaar you can even find clothing. Things change all the time. A visit can be very entertaining and you get to use your imagination and you can leave feeling a little excited about your purchase and the prospect of what it can become. Some customers have furnished or built their homes from items purchased at the shop.
Eaglehawk Recycle Shop has joined with the City of Greater Bendigo in the collection of soft plastics and textiles.
Your clean soft plastics can be dropped off at the receiving area located just before the entry to the Eaglehawk Landfill. Your textiles can be dropped of at either the sales area or the receiving area.
Find out more about textile recycling here at Textile Recyclers Australia
The City of Greater Bendigo is hosts a free annual Detox Your Home service to provide residents with an opportunity to safely dispose of common household chemicals without harming their health or the environment.
To find more information on when this event will be held visit www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/detoxyourhome
Or call The City of Greater Bendigo on: 5434 6000
Eaglehawk Recycle Shop is a collection poing Paintback takes unwanted paint and packaging and responsibly disposes of it, diverting it from landfill and vital waterways. Find out more by visiting Paintback
Eaglehawk Recycle Shop will be sponsoring the the Eaglebald Art Award in 2025.
Also in 2025 we will be sponsoring a new item at the Festival called Recycled Art.
More information on these any many other events during the Dahlia & Arts Festival can be found at the Eaglehawk Festivals website: eaglehawkfestivals.com.au/events